Chemistry MCQS online test preparation Quiz Games by Mcqs Pro World

Chemistry MCQS online test preparation Quiz Games by Mcqs Pro World

1.Law of mass action was proposed by Goldberg and Peter Waage in _________?

2.The product of the reaction between steam and Hydrocarbon in presence of Ni catalyst at 900°C is _____?

3.Which of the alkane, alkene, and alkyne is the most acidic?

4.Compound containing two halogen atoms on two adjacent carbon atoms are called as ___________?

5.Positron has __________charge.

6.What has the atomic mass of an atom in it?

7.Cations possess __________ charge?

8.One Water molecule can form maximum ______hydrogen bonds?

9.In water molecule, Hydrogen & water are held together by ______ bond?

10.The chemical symbol for silver is __________?

Chemistry MCQS online test preparation Quiz Games by Mcqs Pro World

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