GK Mcqs Pro World MCQS online test preparation quiz games

GK Mcqs Pro World MCQS online test preparation quiz games

1.Which province of Afghanistan is the highest opium producer?

2.The Euro currency is used by ________ countries?

3.The second Largest Continent (by Area) of the World is __________?

4.The Largest Continent (by Area) of the World is ________?

5.The Earth surface is divided in __________ Continents?

6.Saba is the news agency of _______?

7.SANA is the news agency of ________?

8.The Nobel Peace Prize 2012 in the field of “Peace” was awarded to?

9.What was the nationality of Alfred Nobel?

10.The smallest Sea of the World is ________?

GK Mcqs Pro World MCQS online test preparation quiz games

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